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The NewToReno.com Blog

Monday, July 17, 2006


Downtown Reno - Cars vs. Peds

Downtown Reno pedestrian
As a recent commentary in the Reno News & Review pointed out, downtown Reno vehicle traffic is bad, always has been bad, and always will be bad. So why drive down there? Well, lots of people don't, including me. Sure, I like to attend the various events all summer, but I long ago learned that trying to park real close is a frustrating waste of time. I've scoped out a few parking spots on the downtown fringes, leave my car at one of them, and walk into the fray. My spots are free, and I get the added benefit of some exercise in conjunction with going about my business.

As the RN&R also pointed out, core downtown streets (Virginia, 1st, 2nd, Center, etc.) are frequently shut down to traffic for days during various summer events (Hot August Nights, Street Vibrations, River Festival, and others). And let's not forget all the construction adding to the effect (street repairs, sewer and flood damage repairs, continuing work on the ReTrac project, several condos and casino conversions). So let's face what is already fact and create an official downtown pedestrian zone. It would be both safer and more pleasant for drivers and walkers alike.

This kind of setup is standard in Europe. In German-speaking countries it's called a Fußgängerplatz, meaning a defined public area in the city center where people stroll from place to place, and cars need not apply. I witnessed this in Innsbruck, Austria; till about mid-morning, cars and truck could move about the area delivering stuff to businesses and the like, then vehicles (except bicycles) were excluded for the rest of the day (and I saw cops writing tickets to those who didn't think the rules applied to them). It was wonderful to just wander around and enjoy the city without worrying about being run down by pissed off drivers who couldn't find parking. Why can't we do something similar in Reno? I would like having a predictable system, and I think I have lots of company. With downtown redevelopment currently in high gear, I'd say now is the time to seriously study this idea.

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